Sunday, July 17, 2011

Daily Affirmation of Failure for July 17, 2011

I will start the day with the realization that all my best is behind me. All attempts to change my life for the good will be futile for I really don't how to change it, and if I don't know by now, I never will. There are millions upon millions of people who are smarter, younger, better looking and more ambitious than me, so I can't really hope to compete with them even if I had my head on straight. Best to be contented with what I have now, which isn't much, but is really all I can expect from a world I don't like all that much anyway.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I've Just had Enough

I have had it with trying to make out there, I really have. I am tired of hearing about all the great men and women who apparently live all around me, and I am especially tired hearing about success and everyone who came from nothing and are now living on easy street. I came from nothing and I pretty much stayed that way my entire life. No matter how hard I tried, I never amounted to much and I am approaching 50 years old and all I want is to do now is to find a way to live with as little contact to the outside world as possible.

I don't know, that's it for the first post. I don't care if you read this or not and I don't have the ambition to find any kind of audience so, until next time then.