Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Falling Down

If you are falling down and too exhausted to get back up, the world hates you. They say you have to keep on trying no matter what and "never give up." But they also say that it's a competitive world and they make sure they send their children to the best schools paying dearly for the name on the degree. What do these people think will happen to the people who don't have a diploma with that name on it? Surely, they must be expecting something grand from so costly a piece of paper.

So, if this is so and the world is so competitive, it stands to reason that there will be winners and losers. It also stands to reason that those that have failed early on in life will have it harder as they attempt to climb the hill after they have already fallen, in some cases numerous times.

If the person who can't make it then becomes too tired to get back up, and commits the sin of recognizing his despair, hopelessness and exhaustion why do we then hate  him so much? He may just be saying he failed and outlining why; and it may dawn on him it is just too late.

So what? Let him have his consolation. He is not feeling sorry for himself, just trying to understand his life.

Anyway, his failure leaves more for you, so why do you care if he has given up? You have paid for him to give up, haven't you?

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